


行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态建筑工地安全通道规范介绍


发布时间:2024-04-25 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/


Trust Hankun Industry for standardized safety passages on construction sites. The construction site safety passage is mainly used on construction sites to prevent casualties caused by high-altitude falling rocks and objects. It is generally established near high-rise buildings and hazardous sources.


Similarly, there are multiple equipment such as steel processing sheds, woodworking protection sheds, construction machinery and equipment protection sheds, and material stacking sheds.



Safety passage


Four basic specifications for setting up safety passages on construction sites:

1. 施工钢筋加工棚、防护棚、安全通道应采用建筑钢管扣件脚手架或其他型钢材料搭设,严禁采用竹木杆件搭设。

1. The construction of steel reinforcement processing sheds, protective sheds, and safety passages should be erected using building steel pipe fastener scaffolding or other steel materials, and the use of bamboo and wood poles is strictly prohibited.

2. 当临街通道、场内通道、出入建筑物通道、施工电梯及物料提升机地面进料口作业通道处于***半径内或处于起重机起重臂回转范围内时,***设置防护棚及防护通道,以避免发生物体高空***造成事故。

2. When the street passage, on-site passage, building entrance and exit passage, construction elevator and material elevator ground feeding port operation passage are within the radius of * * * or within the range of crane boom rotation, * * * shall set up protective sheds and passages to avoid accidents caused by high-altitude * *.


Safety passage

3. 安全通道及防护棚的顶部严密铺设双层正交竹串片脚手板或双层正交18厚木模板的水平硬质防护,及封闭的防护栏或挡板,整体应能承受 10kPa 的均布静荷载。塔吊主要经行线路、转料平台、卸料平台落物曲线范围内的安全通道及防护棚顶部严密铺设双层正交 50 厚木板。点这下载施工技术资料

3. The top of the safety passage and protective shed should be tightly covered with double-layer orthogonal bamboo string scaffold boards or double-layer orthogonal 18 thick wooden templates for horizontal hard protection, and the enclosed protective fence or baffle should be able to withstand a uniformly distributed static load of 10kPa as a whole. The tower crane mainly passes through safety channels within the curve range of the line, transfer platform, and unloading platform, and the top of the protective shed is tightly laid with double-layer orthogonal 50 thick wooden boards. Click here to download construction technology materials for free

4. 特别重要或大型的安全通道、防护棚及悬挑式防护设施***制定专项技术方案,经企业技术负责人审批后实施。

4. Special technical plans shall be formulated for particularly important or large safety passages, protective sheds, and cantilever protective facilities, and shall be implemented after approval by the technical director of the enterprise.