


行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态工地钢筋加工棚的搭建要注意什么?


发布时间:2024-03-05 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/

1、施工现场所有钢筋加工场均需设置加工棚,所有露天放置的施工设备均应搭设防护棚,如搅拌机、砂浆机、输送泵:在建筑物坠落半径内或塔吊覆盖范围内的加工棚需 要设置双层防护;

1. All steel bar processing yards on the construction site need to be equipped with processing sheds, and all construction equipment placed in the open air should be equipped with safety protection sheds, such as mixers, mortar machines, and delivery pumps. Double layer protection is required for processing sheds within the falling radius of buildings or within the coverage of tower cranes;
2. The installation of outdoor processing sheds and protective sheds should meet the specifications and usage requirements, and safety warning slogans and promotional slogans (with blue background and white characters) should be hung around, and the ground should be hardened;
3. The pillars of the processing shed are made of square or round steel, painted with construction blue paint. The protective shed should be equipped with diagonal braces on both sides, and a dense safety net should be hung. All horizontal rods should extend 100mm beyond the outer side of the upright rods;
4、基础采闬C20素砍基础(地基承载力不能满足要求时需配置钢筋),加工棚立柱与基 础预埋件可采用螺栓连接或焊接连接;
4. The foundation adopts C20 plain cut foundation (steel bars are required when the bearing capacity of the foundation cannot meet the requirements), and the processing shed columns and foundation embedded parts can be connected by bolts or welding;
5. The roof is made of galvanized iron sheet tiles and painted with construction blue paint
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