


行业动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-行业动态济南配电箱防护棚的重要性及搭设规范


发布时间:2024-09-21 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/


  In today's construction industry, there is a strong promotion and implementation of safe construction, striving to become a civilized construction unit. In order to prevent accidents during construction, China has issued clear standards for site protection, requiring the installation of customized and tool based protective facilities during construction. For example, foundation pit guardrails, construction elevator doors, elevator shaft entrance protective doors, electrical box protective sheds, and so on. These protective facilities not only ensure the safety of construction personnel but also accelerate the construction progress. So today, Win Win Rui will take you to understand the importance of protective sheds for distribution boxes!联系


  Setting up a protective shed for the distribution box on the construction site is not only required for civilized construction, but also for the following reasons: 1. To avoid exposing the distribution box to the outside and prevent electric leakage and shock accidents during rainy and rainy weather;

  2、 防止高处掉落物落于配电箱位置,避免砸坏配电箱;

  2. Prevent falling objects from high places from falling onto the distribution box and avoid damaging the distribution box;


  3. Protective shed with lock protection to prevent non electricians from operating the distribution box without authorization. In this regard, the JGJ46-2005 Technical Code for Safety of Temporary Electricity Use on Construction Sites also specifies the requirements for distribution boxes:

  1. 配电箱、开关箱应装设在干燥、通风及常温场所,不得装设在有严重损伤作用的瓦斯、烟气、潮气及其他有害介质中,亦不得装设在易受外来固体撞击、强烈振动、液体倾渐及热源烘烤场所。否则,应予或做防护处理。

  1. Distribution boxes and switch boxes should be installed in dry, ventilated, and room temperature places. They should not be installed in gas, smoke, moisture, or other harmful media that can cause serious damage, nor should they be installed in places that are susceptible to external solid impacts, strong vibrations, liquid tilting, and heat source baking. Otherwise, it should be removed or protected.


  2. The external structure of the distribution box and switch box should be able to prevent rain and dust. In addition to setting up a protective shed, there are also relevant regulations for the surrounding area of the distribution box: there should be enough space and passage for two people to work simultaneously around the distribution box and switch box, and no items that hinder operation or maintenance should be stacked, and there should be no bushes or weeds.


  The protective shed of the distribution box is made of steel pipes according to national standards, with double-layer protection on the top, rainproof and anti smashing on the upper layer, double-layer hard protection, and designed with drainage slopes for timely water diversion. Hanging slogans and advertising cloth on the top double-layer protection outside, setting up corporate logos, and serving as a safety warning.

  本文由 济南配电箱防护棚 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击  http://www.gongyingrui.com/   真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan distribution box protective shed. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.gongyingrui.com/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned