


公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态  济南围挡的防锈工作应如何做


发布时间:2024-07-03 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/


  Jinan fence immersion molding is a manifestation of rust prevention treatment. In ideal life, iron wire or galvanized wire may be exposed for a long time, especially after being soaked in rainwater, the iron wire will soon rust and even rot. Jinan fence is made of iron wire, and when buying this product, we hope it can be more durable. Therefore, our company has developed a surface treatment method according to customer needs, so that Jinan fence will not rust for a long time. We call this treatment method immersion molding. 济南围挡如今常用的有浸塑和喷塑两种方式,我们可能从字面上看,根本上都是相同的,其实不然,选用的工艺有许多的差别,浸塑产品是以钢铁为基体,通常是将整个原料浸泡在钢铁溶质傍边,加工好的围栏网具有防腐防锈、耐酸碱、防潮、寿命长等很多优势。

  There are currently two commonly used methods for fencing in Jinan: immersion molding and spray molding. While we may see them literally, they are fundamentally the same, there are actually many differences in the process used. Immersion molding products are made of steel as the substrate, usually soaking the entire raw material next to the steel solute. The processed fence net has many advantages such as corrosion prevention, rust prevention, acid and alkali resistance, moisture resistance, environmental protection, and long service life.9c0c82ad5f765cfaaeb0407b924a76a


  Jinan fence immersion plastic is widely used in some large high-speed guardrail nets, railway guardrail nets, garden protection nets, and anti-theft nets for residential areas. Compared to immersion molding, the spray molding process mainly uses thermoplastic powder coatings for spraying, and commonly uses some polyethylene and polytetrachloroethylene as surface coatings. This means that these materials are suitable for indoor construction, such as indoor flower exhibitions, indoor sports fences, etc.

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  This article is dedicated to friendship by Jinan Fen Fen. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.gongyingrui.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned