


公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态济南围挡怎么设?


发布时间:2024-06-13 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/


  In order to standardize the setting of Jinan fences for construction projects, improve the level of civilized construction, and effectively reduce dust pollution and safety risks during the construction process, the Zhungeer Banner Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau will answer the question "How to set up Jinan fences for construction sites?"?


  1、 Why do we need to set up Jinan fences?




  1. Setting up Jinan fences at urban construction sites can not only protect the safety of pedestrians passing by, but also become a new window for promoting the city's image. Setting up Jinan fences can play a role in safety, beautification, cleanliness, and unity.




  According to relevant regulations such as the Urban Appearance and Environmental Hygiene Management Regulations and the Urban Road Management Regulations, enclosure facilities (Jinan fences) should be set up around construction sites along the streets of cities. Jinan fences should be set up to meet construction needs while giving way to sidewalks as much as possible to facilitate the passage of citizens.


  2、 What are the requirements for setting up Jinan fences?




  1. Before starting work, approval and relevant procedures from relevant departments should be obtained. The construction site for emergency repair requires the installation of necessary safety warning movable yellow fences, warning slogans, and the indication of emergency repair and repair items (water, electricity, gas pipeline network explosion; road and sidewalk sinking; communication line interruption; emergency repair of street lights; damage to manhole covers, etc.), and the name of the construction responsible unit, name of the person in charge, and contact phone number should be indicated. The requirement for long time required for normal road renovation and maintenance is to set up standardized green skin Jinan fences around the construction site; The construction unit or enterprise should maintain the Jinan fence to ensure safety management and civilized construction during the construction process.




  2. Materials and soil should be stacked neatly and not exposed; Do not pollute the road, do not carry mud on the road. After construction is completed, restore the road surface in a timely manner and coordinate with relevant departments for acceptance. Classify and dump the slag, household waste, and construction waste to the designated location.a02e463586b78f6


  The non-standard setting of Jinan fences during street construction not only affects the appearance of the city, but also poses great safety hazards. Next, we will continue to promote the renovation of Jinan fences on construction sites, urge relevant units to set up Jinan fences in a standardized manner, and provide citizens with a safe and orderly travel environment.

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