


公司动态 当前位置:首页-新闻资讯-公司动态济南工地大门的作用、分类和原则


发布时间:2024-04-23 来源:https://www.gongyingrui.com/


1、 The function of Jinan construction site gate


1. Ensure the safety of the construction site. A construction site is a closed area during the construction process, where workers and machines need to enter and exit. The use of gates can effectively control the entry and exit of personnel and vehicles, reduce unnecessary personnel and vehicles, and thereby improve the safety of the construction site.


2. Display the corporate image. The Jinan construction site gate is an important window for enterprises to showcase their image. A beautifully designed and fully functional gate can not only leave a good impression on people about the enterprise, but also enhance its image and reputation.


3. Prevent external noise and dust from entering. During the construction period, activities such as roads, vehicles, and pedestrians around the construction site will generate noise and dust. The presence of the Jinan construction site gate can effectively prevent these noises and dust from entering the construction site, ensuring the normal progress of construction.


2、 Classification of Construction Site Gates in Jinan


According to different classification standards, Jinan construction site gates can be divided into various types, and the following are common types:


1. Fixed door. Fixed gate refers to the gate installed at the entrance of the construction site before the start of construction. This type of gate is generally practical, widely used, and has advantages such as wind resistance and earthquake resistance.


2. Rolling shutter type gate. This type of gate is suitable for highly mobile construction sites because it can be rolled up, does not take up too much space, and is convenient for vehicles to enter and exit.


3. Telescopic gate. Telescopic doors are generally made of high-strength aluminum alloy materials, which have characteristics such as corrosion resistance and durability, and are suitable for entrances to large construction sites.


4. Isolation type gate. Isolation type gate is a gate designed for the special needs of the construction site, which can achieve internal isolation of the construction site and reduce safety risks.


5. Intelligent gate. This type of gate has the characteristic of intelligence, which can be opened and closed through remote control, voice, and other methods, catering to the modern construction site management mode.


3、 The selection principle of Jinan construction site gate


When selecting the gate for the Jinan construction site, it is necessary to choose a suitable gate based on the actual situation of the site. Here are some specific selection principles:


1. Choose according to the needs of the construction site. Different construction sites require different gates, for example, high-rise construction sites in urban centers are more suitable for retractable gates, while construction sites such as garbage dumps are more suitable for opening and closing convenient, windproof, and dustproof roller shutter gates.


2. Choose according to security requirements. During the construction process, the safety of the construction site is crucial. Therefore, when selecting the Jinan construction site gate, attention should be paid to its anti-theft, fire prevention and other safety performance, and ensure that the gate can effectively control the entry and exit of personnel and vehicles.


3. Choose according to the construction time. Different construction sites have different construction times, and some sites require night work. Therefore, it is necessary to choose gates with strong lighting or intelligence to ensure that construction personnel can still maintain safety at night.


4. Choose according to the appearance design. The appearance design of the gate of the Jinan construction site is an important element to showcase the corporate image, so it is not only necessary to have complete functions, but also to pay attention to its aesthetics. A good exterior design can integrate the entrance of Jinan construction site into the surrounding environment, becoming a landmark building that sets it apart from other construction sites.


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